Career Planning - How To Discover Your Dream Job

This is a subject most companies and individuals struggle to define, measure or even impact. Why is it hard? Because, while the definition might be clear - i.e. an appropriate balance between work and life, the interpretation can vary significantly.

Take some time and think about how the income, time freedom and service to others would change your life. Write a list of how the three benefits I just mentioned would change life for you. Next incorporate some of your own goals for 6 months, one year and three years down the road. Look for how your efforts could build the work life balance that would meet those goals and a clear mission statement will emerge.

10) Career leverage... Balance allows big-picture clarity about your career vision, the space and mental energy to nurture your professional networks, keep your head above water, understand the bigger trends in your industry, connect with head-hunters, get invited to speak and raise your profile, be front of mind for exciting new job opportunities. Whereas being exhausted by over-working and under-living just gets you stuck and keeps you stuck.

And then there are those certain kinds of people who just seem to take and take. You probably know the type-those people who never stop involving you in the drama of their lives. Gossipers and venters can drain your energy quickly. If you have certain people in your office or outside work, think about limiting the time you spend around them.

I hate doing laundry and it's one task that I confess to be truly bad at. My boyfriend was even surprised when he found out about this. (Well that's what you get when you have an unfinished blog entry and he suddenly takes a peek at what you are doing.) Well, there are lots of other things I can do if I don't do the laundry. I can clean the entire house, wash the dishes, read books, catch-up with friends and a lot more. So I have someone else who's very willing do the laundry for me. This definitely helped me save time and spend this time with family, friends and loved ones. Although it comes with a price, it's nothing compared to having priceless moments with your loved ones.

You want to busy at work, enough to keep you busy however not too much that it creates an imbalance in your life. If additional task crop up at work, only take them on if you feel up to it and it doesn't have a huge impact on your family. This also applies with your home life; click here don't agree to every party you and you family are invited to, if it will have a negative impact on your work life.

Recognise where you are and how you are feeling right now regarding your work and life. Is there balance? And if not, can you pinpoint where there is lack of balance? Which values are infringed upon?

What are some of the ways that you cope with the stress of work? How do you maintain that elusive work-life balance? Let us know if you have any of your own tips and tricks in the comments below.

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